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Hey we didn’t forget we are playing the top 6 best of every category, come join or check out the VOD. We have moved from Beginners Circle Jam >> level Up Circle.

Same Admins (we know AngrySmile’s family needed him so we are leaving off where he left) Come Join US !!! Also :taco: Is Streaming your game live check it out here: Our new Server: Our First Jam: Top 6 games of Every Category:

This is very solid, I did not expect to enjoy any game from here that much! I know it's been said: waiting is a little bit too off-putting, but I really like the premise! Also after you finish your round there is red x and green arrow indicating restart, I was quite puzzled what to do, to get more fortune wheel of fortune goodness :P. The game otherwise managed to present some challenge, if you were to enable quicker execution on the behalf of the player, this would be very smooth! Overall great game!

Solid implementation of a classic gameshow. I think this is the first jam game I've played with VA too, which is surprisingly well done. As others have said, I think it takes too long to get to your turn. Overall I think it's a good effort with clean visuals and sound. Good job!

This game has very good execution, but needs some slight polish to really shine.

The Bot increasing their intelligence is a pretty interesting attempt to make the game complex, and I like the implementation of the audio. The robot announcer was a nice surprise, how it would audibly say the game's instructions. A nice afterthought would be adding an option to mute/skip the robot voice for every player that has previously heard the instructions.

A good way to get players immersed long term is to extend the game into multiple rounds after winning, carrying over the previous totals until someone eventually wins. And of course, in those multiple rounds, to have multiple phrases and titles that increase in complexity as time goes on. As of right now it can feel like a drag to win and then be forced to replay from the beginning rather than going on to another round.

On the title screen, it says "Fortune of Wheel", but everyone else reads "Wheel of Fortune", but I though maybe that's an error or a copyright avoidance thing. It is possible to have a slight glitch where you don't spin the wheel on your turn, it skips over your turn and gives it to a bot. But that is rare because every player naturally will spin when it is their turn.

Overall, very well done on capturing the spirit of the original game show.

(1 edit)

The game seems good, but I’ve had one tough 1st game: Y: lost turn A:Wrong J:right-wrong E:right-spinagain-right-wrong Y:Spinagain-Right-Spinagain-Lost turn A:Right-wrong J:Wrong E:Right-Bankrupt Y:Right-Bankrupt

Overall, I’ve havent been able to really play, it would have been awesome as coop, but looking at bots playing without me wasn’t so fun…

I like the simple, but effective UI and graphics. 

Personally, I don't like the robot text to speech, it seems very off-putting. I would go with either personally recording voice with effects or just a simple "mumbling" voice effect while the text is being typed on the screen.

Also, an "all in" option should be available to guess the entire word!

Good job anyhow, those bots never saw me coming 😈

Good solid recreation of the game. Good job explaining how to play as well. It can be a little slow waiting for the computer to take its turn, so if you continue working on it i would find a way to speed up the computer player's turns. The other thing that i noticed was that the letter selection screen covers up the words you're guessing, making it hard to see the letters already on the board. This makes it harder to make good guesses, at least in my opinion. Still overall great time with no obvious bugs